Thursday, March 25, 2010

Love, the implicit.

I spot her in a crowd
and innocently conclude
she is there for my heed.

I am desperate for her glance,
that fails to meet my eagerness.
I brand it as her coyness.

She talks to someone with smile,
that I conveniently interpret
that it is meant for me to note.

She is engrossed in long chats,
that gives me a clear cut signal
that she grants me her vision.

She seems much uneasy to see
And blushes when accosted.
Yes, my current runs through her.

I can’t evidence to the public
that she is in love with me.
I won’t betray her predicament.

She can’t manifest her love.
I don’t want for love a witness
to tarnish her modesty and majesty.

Whether she shows her love or not,
I believe in her the mute love for me
and in it find an erotic joy.
17.03.2001, Pmdi

Woman only lures in picture

When a woman in television reads news,
Men survey her features more than her words.
When a man does, women are least bothered
Of his look. Lust lies in men’s eyes only.

Woman is, who hooks
men by her look.
17.03.2001, Pmdi

To shake the mountain

She felt your warmth
And enriched her youth.
She gave her vision
And lifted up your passion.
She accepted your verses
And digested your praises.
Every call she answered
And kept you enthused.
Your gifts were at her hand.
You had been in her land.
She does all to your wants
As long as there was no trace
for others to trace them,
Beyond which she retreated.
Her stake, you understand.
The mountain you have shaken.
Be happy with that token.
Shaking the mountain
Is more than lifting the rock.
That pride gives you a long ride.
17.03.2001, pmdi

Make hay while wind flows

Men were at me, around me and about me,
Each to love me, serve me and have me.
A nightmare to all was my stunning beauty,
A sweetheart to all but myself without a sweet heart,
Maddening all men but not being of mad of anyone,
Their love in rampage, me to them a mirage,
I lived out my youth, with no love invested.
The youth is gone; the heart is a stone.
I am an orphan, all men having gone.
They got wisdom: a beauty is not worth keeping.
I got wisdom: a stone heart is not worth keeping.

17.03.2001, Plmdi

Nearness, not fitness clicks.

In some it is the love that brings contact.
In some it is the contacts that induce love.
The former proliferates to blossom and dies.
The later concentrates on fruiting and dehisce.

The opportunity dictates;
Merit takes only back seat.
17.03.2001, Pmdi

Plus and minus is more than zero.

You sapped my soul and snapped the cord
When you left, forever, my company
Because it is you who gave me sap and cord
When you were with me in lustful harmony.
Maybe no sorrow, had I not courted you.
Maybe no sorrow, had you not drifted off.
But where is the pleasure of reminiscence?
13.03.2001, Pomdi

The youth imbues with youth.

An old man when in company
with young boys, grows young.
The old man when in company
 with young girls, grows young fast.

A male- teacher of girls is fortunate.
10.3.2001, Pmdi

Monday, March 22, 2010

The ripe is better than the raw

A grown up woman can sate a man
finer than a girl can.
Maturity counts.
A young mother can sate a man
nicer than a damsel can.
Experience counts.
A teenage has undue glory.
10.03.2001, Pmdi

The double standard

How revealing the modal is!
How glamorous she is!
My sister or my wife or my mother
Are not to be modals.
10.03.2001, pmdi

#Jealousy is cruel.

The hero and heroine indulge in love.
We enjoy watching it.
When it is enacted in the neighborhood
We resent and betray it.
10.03.2001, Pmdi

Man collects, woman saves in a home

Male birds collect with effort twigs.
Female birds hoard with passion them,
All men are, in a sense, collectors.
All women are likewise hoarders.

A spend thrift woman and

A passive man are unfit for home.
06.03.2001, pmdi

Love ends as mirage.

I had love for her; she never repelled.
It grew into passion as she had promoted.
It turned to addiction as intimacy developed.
Now I am hooked for ever, as she drifted.

Love is extolled subjectively
but is abhorred objectively.
05.03.2001, Palasa

Chaste wife is a safe wife.

Maybe she is incorrigible a lot
But if she is chaste in her character
That is what her husband wants.
Their home then is not wrecked.

Maybe she is of fine personality
But if she is vulnerable to infidelity,
That is what her husband detests.
Their home heads to wrecking.

A man wants an exclusive wife,
only comes next her beauty or gaiety.
05.03.2001, Pmdi

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love ends as mirage.

I had love for her; she never repelled.
It grew into passion as she had promoted.
It turned to addiction as intimacy developed.
Now I am hooked for ever, as she drifted.

Love is extolled subjectively
but is abhorred objectively.
05.03.2001, Palasa

Man sees, woman hears

Lust lies for men in their eyes
That they are unable to hide,
While setting on women their eyes.
For men images are ample for a ride.

Lust lies for women in their ears
That they try hard to resist
While hearing men’s compliments.
For women words are ample for a rise.
05.03.2001, palasa

Woman has poor memory.

She knows not you;
She minds not you;
You see her figure
And retain her figure.
Enough. It can allure.

She knows you.
She minds you.
Your figure fails to allure.
Lust is not in her eyes
Unlike it is in yours.
Your contacts only can.
She is moved by events.
Woman forgets man fast
She lives in his holdfast.
16.02.2001, Pmdi

Don’t count on the erstwhile beloved.

By vision a woman can excite you.
Even in her absence, her image will do.
But your presence is a must
to excite her.
In parting, you pine for her.
In parting, she leaves her pain.

Defining love

What is love? A romance,
A friendship, a courtship,
A lust, a power, or for ever?
Painful or eventful?
A freedom of assertion?
Courage, pathos of venture?
Passion swelling like ocean?
To me love is silence
Wherein minds transcend.
09.01.200, Plmdi

The mode of attraction

He is struck by her sight;
He is lured by her curves;
He is aroused by her image.
Her flesh is his ultimate.

She is nonchalant at first;
She is moved in company;
She is aroused in sequences.
His hold is her ultimate.

A visual stimulus of woman
Is enough to arouse a man.
Amorous sequences of events
Are needs to arouse a woman.

Mere porn can lure a man;
But in story form, it lures a woman.

He wants to hold;
She wants a hold.
14.02.2001, Pmdi

Love stays, even if failed

I have loved and owned;
I had loved and missed;
I had loved and lost;
I had loved and failed.
None of them is less than
 Having not loved at all.

‘He loved and failed
but his failing of love stayed’

 Still born is better
than unborn.
It wipes infertility.
14.02.2001, Pmdi

Love makes you young

There are many ways to keep you young,
Of which the foremost is love making,
By when exudes from brain endorphin,
That kills pain and makes tissues enliven.

Do coitus as often as you can
And in its absence masturbate
With an opposite sex of your choice
As stimulus kept in fantasy.
13.02.2001, Pmdi

Each attribute strikes a woman.

An actor by his romance, a model by his curve,
A sportsman by his frame, a wrestler by his muscles
Whips a woman’s passion.

An artist for his skill, an intellectual for his brain,
A sage for his piety, an executive for his cleanliness
Strikes a woman’s heart.

A rich for his lavishness, a clever for his maneuver,
A doormat for his servitude, a slave for adulation
Ripples a woman’s sense.

A Hitler of arrogance, a Ulysses of valour,
A Caesar of charisma, an Antony of glamour,
Humbles a woman’s ego.

Women flirt with them in person or in vision.
No exception, no exemption. Slip to err or err to slip.
Her mate can not be a match to her in all counts and hence.
12.02.2001, Pmdi

The henpeck one is the real cock^

Don’t despise a hen pecked husband.
He is a perfect cock to her in bed.
The one who wields power on women
Must be a snail to her in bed.

The lasting beauty.

The lasting beauty lies
not in surging breasts, chubby cheeks,
cloudy hair, fair skin and ornaments.
It lies in one’s aura and personality.

Often the common are sexy.
12.02.2001, pmdi

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Man is for fire, woman for fuel.

How you are rather than what you are,
Is the woman’s concern in bed.
How she appears rather than how she acts,
Is your concern with her in bed.

Enrich your skill and manner,
She, to do in looks and walk.
06.02.2001, pmdi.

Hard to get is dear to own.

Nay, why should you mock me with your eyes,
Which are warm afar and cold amidst others?
Why should you, dear, peck me with your nose,
Neither high, nor sharp but is only coarse?
Why should you torment me with your lips,
Which are my sole lust, albeit its oddity?
Skin, dull as coffee and bust without contours,
Why should you haunt me with them?
Of no grace in walk, of no romance in talk,
Why should you still shake me, when present?
Or why should I hound you, heads on heels,
Against all odds, for a trespass?
Is it due to my conquest of you, your
Modesty, and you, the forbidden fruit?

Rare to get and hard to reach
as it is, it grows dear, to own.
03.02.2001, Pmdi

Too high is too dear.

Your ebony skin outshines any brownish,
And your cashew apple, any apple.
Your warring teeth and queer lips intrigue.
Yes, you are hard owned, too high for others.

A queen allures
03.02.2001, Pmdi

Way is the key.

Conduct yourself to be loved by the woman.
Imbue in her confidence. Stand for her honour.
Disseminate her blush. Overcome her fear.
She will not junk you in the game of love, it’s sure.

Marital respects hinder

A husband is respectable.
A wife is respectful.
They carry that feelings to bed,
Where both meet and blush.
No fun, no play, no orgasm.
Duty is performed.
Ennui sets in.
She starves in and he exits.
So extra marital is resourceful,
Where man and woman can play
Without such inhibition,
And without any shame.
29.01.2001, Pmdi

Hot and Cold

Love would not be as hot
if women were not as cool.

Their guilt walks between
hot and cool.

In a tryst, hot recedes into
saliva and womanly sweat.

Hot can penetrate into the cool,
with undying ember.

In the tryst, woman beams
to subdue the guilt.

Cool always muses about the hot.
Hot never subsides until

The guilt takes the back seat.
A welcome sign for woman.
26.01.2001, Pmdi

Black can be hidden by white

You’ll have no regret that you are huge
If you learn to walk with grace
As does an elephant with its thighs.

You’ll have no regret that you are flat on chest
If you learn to dart like a rabbit,
Which charms by its move, chest unseen.

You’ll have no regret that you are dark
If you chat in singing voice
Of a Koel, whose hue drops before us.

You’ll have no regret that you are dull
If you are industrious,
Like an ass, who toils are limitless.

If the portrait is good,
the frame from sight is shed.
26.1.2001, Pmdi