Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mother to daughter

As an infant in my arms,
As a baby on my shoulder,
As a child on my laps,
As a kid held by my hand,
As a girl kept in my care,
As a spinster in my guard,
As a bride with my concern,
As a mother kept in focus,
You have drifted away from me.
Distance extends.
Relation fades.
The umbilical cord reminds
You are a part of me.
My concern for you remains.

Tree twines vine

Dew soft was Draupati.
Gun hard was Bhima.
In their consummation,
He felt in her
As in the claw of Garuda
Who scooped out Manthara.
Iron of Bhima melted
In the lava of Draupati.

(Manthara is the mountain which
god plucked to churn the ocean
to extract the ambrosia of immorality)
09.01.2002, Kottayam

One dies when set free

Caged dogs grow ferocious.
Harnessed men grow lascivious,
Shackled women grow amorous.
Freed sex will sedate all.
10.01.2001, Palakk

Necessary evils

Society is evil in that
It resists your every step.
Mind. Without it,
You cannot make your steps.

Marriage is evil in that
It constricts your lust.
Mind. without it
You cannot ensure your lust.
17.01.2001, Pakd

Whore is a part of wife

Wife and whore are sisters
That the society gave birth to.
Rivals though they are,
They are indispensable
To men, the architects.
17.01.2001, Pkd

Married is more tempting

Marital status is a physical barrier.
Yet, adultery is rampant.
Yes, marital status serves as lever;
More tempted are the married.
20.01.2001, Pakd

The most beautiful

The comeliest thing is the woman.
The prettiest part is her hair,
A woman in shaven head, Imagine!
A woman in clouded hairs, Visualize!
13.01.2001, Madras

Real freedom

Franchise freedom sans political
Political freedom sans societal freedom,
Societal freedom sans economic
Economic freedom sans marital
Marital freedom sans sexual freedom
Is no freedom you grant women.
24.01.2002, Pakd

Every love dies

There is time
When love for mother dies,
When love for wife dies,
When love for children dies
And love for kith and world dies.
There is no time
When the love for woman dies.
That remains until you die.
24.01.2001, Pakd

The ember fanned

I had with you a hearty contact
In the audio medium,
Running over minutes,
And I was fully charged.
We enlarged it to engage each other
By speaking much nonsense,
Save the one from which I discerned
That you were eager to see
Me on some pretext
In your campus as before,
And that you granted me a boon
To see you at your den. Enough.
I am living, not dying.
26.01.2001, Pakd

The ember of love

When we were close
We missed to disclose
What we had close to our chest.

When we discerned the sign
We missed to refine
As I had abruptly for ever left

The ember was kept alive;
Minds were kept captive.
Distance gave boldness.

I returned by miracle
But occurred a debacle
In your sore earlier exit.

Fate didn’t play havoc,
Sometime blowing air,
Sometime springing water.

Ember of love is still alive
As you are not as far off
As I had been earlier. A boon.

How firm we grow in mind,
Away though we live!
Distance blesses in disguise,

However thick we are
We are no more suspects here
As we are now not under one roof

It is time to fan air
Before the time sprinkles water
On our hard fanned ember.

We regretted the missing past
When we were separated.
Not to repeat, let us hasten.
26.01.2002, Pakd

Advantage of age

A menopause past man can woo a lass.
A menopause past woman can woo a lad
Their age guard them from suspicion.
The lass and the lad get a safe outlet.
01.02.2002, Pkd

Fear is the lever

Fear of starvation drives you to prey
Fear of downfall drives you to fight.
Fear of injury causes the lust for power.
Fear of instability induces love for

Fear is not the break of one’s action.
It is the very lever of one’s action.
03.02.2002, Pakd

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fear is the lever

Fear of starvation drives you to prey

Fear of downfall drives you to fight.

Fear of injury causes the lust for power.

Fear of instability induces love for


Fear is not the break of one’s action.

It is the very lever of one’s action.

03.02.2002, Pakd

Friday, February 19, 2010

The antelope is graced^

I find an antelope in her swiftness,

Fragility, narrow head and coyness,

Yet, an antelope as such I had no love  for.

She should be more than it to love for.

I started liking the antelope, as I had loved her.
03.02.2002, Pkd

Man to woman as sun to plant

Sun is a must, to excite a plant.

Else hormones are not to thaw.

Sun is the cause for scorching it.

Plant cannot dispense with the sun.

Woman cannot dispense with men.

Not to be burnt, she must sweat out.

03.02.2002, Pakd

No single object is like you

In a heap of coal I see your hair;

In bean’s petals, I see your odd lips,

In cashew apple your invisible breasts,

In empty bladder your flattened stomach,

In leanness of crane your svelte limbs,

In freshness of shoot, your youthful skin

But none of them in its own is akin

To the glow your parts have, the angel!

04.02.2002, Pakd

Thirsts modulate cries^

That time when John Keats and Kalidas lived

Women were not that sophisticated,

That exposed to men and that liberal.

Had Keats and Kalidas lived this time

Things would not have been different

In their expression of lust for women

As men are not as thirsty and starving

As they were that time. Thirsts modulate cries.

04.02.2002, Pakd

[Kalidas is equally s sensual poet in Sanskrit,

Whose works. Sakuntala and Raguvamsa are famous]

Love does not see the end

Not bad is the mango from the lower branch

A few jumps and a stick might do.

But all the leaps I did for a high, shy fruit

That slipped off my grips.

Hard to earn is sweet to get.
04.02.2002, Pakd

Woman, be a hard nut

A hit song goes to oblivion

Because of its repetition

The less heard one linger longer.

Keep with men space and time,

Be away but not far away.

05.02.2002, Pakd

All in one cannot be good

An orchid provokes one by its ornamental flowers.

A coconut strikes one with bunches of nuts.

So do the cashew with its apple and

Pine with branches in good shape.

If all in one, can each strike that much?

No, in you your lips are distinct

That hooks me, with other parts in oblivion.

06.02.2002, Pakd

A scandal is the fire of jealousy

The scandal of adultery is a wild fire;

The scandal of adultery is a huge flood.

Everyone is gutted; everyone is sunk.

Her husband stands untouched by either of them.

09.02.2002, Pakd

Equal right is equal chance

A man is not of monogamy to glue to you

A potent man is bound to hunt outside.

Don’t be grieved. Many are at doorsteps.

Select selectively. Life is yours.

The whole mankind is redeemed

09.02.2002, Pakd

Face is the signifier of the secret parts

The sexiest shape of a woman is her mouth,
Indicating the depth of her channel.
The sexiest shape of a man is his nose,
Signifying the length of his sword.
A wide mouth woman tempt men
A long nose man hooks women.
10.02.2002, Pakd

Thursday, February 18, 2010

No one likes you for your flirting.

I was lavish with spreading the message of my romance

To the known and the unknown with a sense of eminence,

To earn a mileage out of it by imbuing others with jealousy,

But others from my back branded me as a womanizer.
09.02.2002, Pakd

Status and guilt

Status stands not in the way

For a man to stoop low

To negotiate with a woman,

With his eyes on her flesh.

Guilt stands in the way

For a woman to accept a man,

However worthier he might be.

It is handy for a woman

To corner a man if she decides..

10.02.2002, Cbe

Spring springs joy

Wisdom may bring you peace.

It is passion that brings you joy.

Joyless life is the seasons sans spring..

11.02.2002, Pakd

Woo with tongue

Eyes are windows of man,

By which he seeks women.

It is ears for women,

By which they yield to men.

Man, be humorist and an admirer.

12.02.2002, Pakd

Sword and shield

Each being is born with a sword and shield,

One to hunt with and the other to defend with.

Each action of one springs from either of them

In sex, the sword is wooing and the shield, eluding.
05.03.2002, Pakd

Earn more women to brood on

You can reminisce on your past,

The wealth earned, the issues begotten,

The power wielded, the battles won,

The skills employed, the good done.

None is at par with the reminiscence

Of women whose hearts you had won.

04.03.2002, Pakd

Beauty is the ego’s food

Women, you don’t mind time and


In a bid to look good as long as you


And spend more on skin than for belly


It gives you self-confidence.

You are in command of men.

Confidence brings you beauty.

Beauty brings you confidence

Both bring you youngness. Carry on .

04.03.2002, Pakd

strangers stir

In maiden contact with a maiden,

A touch of her on any part is erotic.

A kiss is terrible, even on

Her bloodless hair and nail.

Mere kiss on her very lips

Can bring you orgasm,

Which the copulation might fail to

When with one’s spouse

17.02.2002, Pakd

Colour is to be fair

Dark stands not in the way of one’s

Beauty, I agree.

Pale stands as a part of one’s beauty,

You must agree.

Select fair bride for fair progeny.

17.02.2002, Pakd

Love has no cause

Crooked lips stand not in the way,

Manly nose is too.

So are cashew apple breasts.

So are manly tone and thin plait.

As shy fruit, you never deterred.

As a forbidden apple you never bored.

Then which is the cause?

To find the cause, I am still in love.

17.02.2002, Pakd

Harmony is in miss-belief

An island had an equal number of men and women.

Each man had affairs before and after  the matrimony.

Each man believed that his spouse never had affairs.

Marital harmony thus is preserved.
19.02.2002, Pakd

Choose companions

Woman! Appear with women,

Less fair than you,

Or duller than you.

Then you are in focus.

19.02.2002, Pakd

Love dies with wedlock

Are you in ardent love with a woman?

If you want it to live short, marry her.

Otherwise, for eternal love, let some one

marry her.

21.02.2002, Pakd

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Breast is breast

Some are as handy as a lime.

Some are as cuppable as a pomegranate.

Some are slanting like cashew apples

And some are hanging like papayas.

Each one can tempt from its own stock

There is no grammar for women’s


22.02.2002, Pakd

Passion fruit

Shy fruits are far sweeter

As they are hard to sight at.

Search for shy women

In whom passion is untapped

25.02.2002, Pakd

Events are by chance

Heart-to-heart love

Thrives long in wooing and courtship

And ends eventually as a withered flowers.

Real fruiting takes place

From two corporals

Mere by chance, all of a sudden,

With no regards to merit.

25.02.2002, Pakd

Tenderness lacks maturity

More than the teenage girls,
Their mothers charm.
A woman charms more
As a mother of teens.
Many women made men mad
Only from their middle age.
Youth is half empty.
27.02.2002, Pakd

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The inaccessible ^

Modern women are so tempting,
So liberal in mixing with men;
Yet men are an unfortunate lot.
The women are clever to keep men at bay
They are so approachable
As they are inaccessible.
05.03.2002, Pakd

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sex-take it easy to approach

Once, the heroines showed their face
And offered their hand to heroes.
They were held in low esteem.
Now, the heroines bare their parts
Offer lips, hugs and embrace.
They are held in high esteem.
Eroticism finds its way to be casual.
25.05.2002, pakd

Your love makes me shy.

You paid me a visit as per my word
Yesterday. Lovelier than you were
In the last visit; you were in animation.
We talked less and transmitted more.
The most passionate woman I ever
Met, you deserved to a better match
Who could keep you fed with passion.
In that case, can you be that receptive?
26.05.2002, Pakd

Glory, the darling.

After parting,
You kept me by letters.
After a lapse,
You renewed it by a call.
After a gap,
You paid me a visit en rout.
A little later,
You acknowledged my love poem.
Today, hearing my return,
You came down to see me.
A good relation.
We both are not the same sex.
Is not it more
Than a mere good relation?
We are unexpressive.
Does it mean we didn’t express?
29.05.2002, Kottayam

The elite are liquidated.

Kottayam was once rich in beauties
With the elite only on the surface.
Now others coming to the fore
By their up in the society
The beauty adulterated itself.
Kottayam is not more a beauty palace.
29.05.2002, Kottayam

Be cautious of fashion

Dwarf girls, don’t come in
It makes you shorter and stouter.
Fashion should not kill one’s beauty.
Pant and blouse are ideal combination
If not saree and blouse.
29.05.2002, Ktm

Secrecy is the success.

Don’t ask another man to allude of you
To your beloved when he meets her.
No woman likes it. Only as one to one
A woman wants to respond, to save her pride.
29.05.2002, Truchoor via

Sturdy hip, a binding grip

I marvel at your foot prints
That you make in wet soil
When you walk across, the heel
Being more hollow by the heaviness
Of your hip and the flatness of the belly.
29.05.2002, pakd

Love is not solitary blossom

Either at first sight or a little later
Love may strike a pair, I agree.
Such like love strikes the one
Only once in life, I cannot agree.

Love strikes in as many times
As there are possible occasions.
07.06.2002, pakd